Monday, 10 October 2011

And So It Begins...

Someone I admire and endear, who has supported me in ways I have no words to give justice, summed me up quite nicely. He is a person with whom I have shared twenty-eight years. His strength, acceptance and empathy to not only his own life challenges, but to mine as well, are to be revered.  He is gentle, kind and honest. On my quick visit home to dump my trailer waste and do my laundry (the joys of living in my Airstream on a schoolmates driveway while going to Loyalist College, patiently waiting on OSAP funding approval), I asked him what on earth would I put in my first blog post that says who am I. He smiled at me, picked up his iPhone, leaned back in the black leather office chair that is now more his than mine, and spoke quietly, “let me think about that for a minute.”

I continued to stare at my laptop screen with the first post title staring back at me with no words coming – surely not, was I experiencing Blogger’s block without even writing a single blog post yet - how can that be? Within a few minutes, my e-mail signified I had mail - from Peter.

He wrote, “Sharon Patricia Kallaste (née Jones) is best described as a passionate, strong-willed nomad searching for her next challenge or experience. Possessing a superior mind, complemented with a great sense of humor and sensitivity, Sharon is a sponge for learning. With a keen eye and attention to detail, Sharon is blessed with the ability 'to see what other's cannot' and are expressed through her myriad of photographs.”

I was humbled. Pondered for a moment, thinking to myself and staring at the above e-mail. How was my life pieced together in such a way that warranted this compilation of thought expressed through his words, and how did I become this person through his eyes? Then my words began to flow…

It will be my pleasure to take you all the way back and then all the way forward telling my story frame by frame. I hope to encourage those who may face unexpected life challenges and crisis; to allow your self to grow and have the courage to tackle life head on. As well as through the life of others who have touched you in either a small or big way.

“Life is big, but never too large” – Sharon Kallaste

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